A big hurdle nowadays for brands to think strategically is that you need data to have ideas. Good ideas come from interpreting data + the grit and gut to connect the dots of what surrounds us in a creative manner. That will truly make you be perceived as transformational to the eye of the beholder.
We can alter our behavior in view of trends or purchase based on fads that spike and fade. But culture is embedded to our soul. Find your essence, expand from niche and snowball to dominance.
Stories are at the center of everything we do.
It is fundamental to how we think and make meaning of the world.
As Stefan Olander stated in his book Velocity, “the most powerful force in the universe isn’t technology. It’s imagination.”
We’re currently in the metaverse, AI, Web3 and NFT hype cycle.
Don’t forget that always when facing a new landscape, brands that connect to audiences through their behaviors and stories, are the only ones who can consistently remain relevant regardless of the medium, in order to plateau for success.
More depth is demanded and will continue to be so in the relationships people forge with brands and organisations.